The Sheriff’s Office has the responsibility for operation of County Detention Facilities and housing most of those individuals incarcerated for Traffic, Misdemeanor and Felony charges prior to any sentencing actions.
These facilities and budgets are stretched to the limit and often overcrowded and undermanaged with deputies and jail personnel. This is a dangerous and explosive situation.
One very clear and financially obvious solution is to set up screening criteria for defendants that do not pose a threat to the community, and release them on electronic monitor programs. This process frees up jail beds and deputy management time and allows qualified defendants to obtain jobs, earn a living and become productive elements of society while maintaining a level of control and management.
Examples of some of the possible qualified defendants may be: those defendants with medical problems, parents in violation of child support payments, some traffic and minor charges, sexual predators and some non-violent misdemeanor charges.
The funding for these Monitor Release programs could be a combination of both offender funded and government funded sources. The funding comparisons are in the range of $40/day for Jail vs. $8 to $10/day for monitoring.
Please contact GPS Monitoring & Tracking Services for additional information and/or consulting assistance in preparation of a Monitor Release Plan.